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Ethics Approval - R07790/RE003

The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of a potential novel antidepressant drug on the healthy human brain.

We are looking for healthy participants (both male and female), aged 18 to 45 years. In order to participate, you must be in good health and you must not have a history of any mental disorder (such as depression, anxiety disorder, or eating disorder). 

You would be invited to the Department of Psychiatry (Warneford Hospital) for 4 study sessions (lasting between 1.5 and 3 hours). Between the sessions, you would be randomly allocated to 18 days of treatment with a drug called “pramipexole” or a placebo. After 12 to 15 days of treatment, non-invasive brain imaging (fMRI) and various psychological tests would be conducted. 

MRI is a type of brain scan that allows us to see how the brain is organised and performs tasks like decision making.  The scan is safe and does not involve any needles or injections. You will be asked questions about your medical history to check your suitability for an MRI scan.

We are looking for

Volunteers needed for a study investigating the effects of a potential novel antidepressant drug on the way the brain processes certain kinds of information


You will be compensated for your time.