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Front page image of the Sustainable Development Impact Summit 2021

Professor Ilina Singh, Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford, took part in the recent Sustainable Development Impact Summit 2021, where she led a session entitled, Meet the Pioneers tackling the Mental Health Crisis.

From March 2020 onwards, prevalence of anxiety and depression increased and in some countries even doubled. However, COVID-19 has also accelerated digital innovations, especially in telemedicine. What does it take to scale innovations that help end the mental health crisis?

The Sustainability Pioneers series showcases entrepreneurs and innovators tackling today's major challenges to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

Watch the full discussion with Ilina Singh, Lisa McLaughlin, and Robin McIntosh.


Professor Singh, said:


'We live in a world that faces years of recovery from COVID-19, a process that continues to highlight pre-existing health and structural inequalities among nations and citizens. Against this background, the World Economic Forum Sustainable Development Impact Summit rightly focuses on the huge challenge of achieving the WHO Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with less than a decade to go. Mental health and wellbeing was already high on the WHO agenda, with SDGs focused on health, youth and workplace; now it is also one the major long-term consequences of the pandemic.

'I was really pleased to participate in the Sustainable Pioneers programme, which featured the development of innovative digital technologies to expand the reach of mental health interventions, and to improve trust and acceptability of treatment for highly stigmatised conditions.'

For more information visit the World Economic Forum.