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Graham Reid

MA (Honours of the First Class), MSc (with Distinction)

DPhil Student with Dementias Platform UK (DPUK)

Research Interests

My research interests are primarily in risk and resilience for neuropsychological pathologies with a particular focus on ageing populations. In my research, I initially took a social psychiatry framework to understand the factors within behavioural medicine that confer protection to psychiatric disease across the lifespan, including help-seeking, sleep, nutrition, and religiosity. I am currently working with Dementias Platform UK (DPUK) where I am investigating the relationship between diabetes and Alzheimer's Disease, using longitudinal datasets and multimodal magnetic resonance imaging scans to explore this relationship further. Prior to starting my DPhil, my MSc work looked at the link between arterial phenotypes of the carotid arteries and their relationships with markers of vascular brain health, including cerebrovascular reactivity and white matter hyperintensities, in addition to longitudinal changes in cognitive function in ageing adults.