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Haiou Zhu

Post-Doctoral Researcher

Haiou Zhu is a Post-Doctoral Researcher with the Neuroscience, Ethics & Society (NEUROSEC) team in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Oxford. She has been working on various projects at the intersection of bioethics and co-design, with a strong focus on using inclusive design approach to co-designing with communities. 

Haiou Zhu recently submitted her PhD thesis entitled “Design for Choice-Making: Incorporating Design Research and Behavioural Economics into Interventions for Enhanced Choices”. Her research focuses on designing health interventions that are inclusive and accessible to underprivileged groups, particularly those in rural areas, with the aim to enable them to make better-informed health decisions. She uses pragmatic inquiry and interdisciplinary methods from Design and Behavioural Economics to systematically map daily health behaviours and decisions of rural communities, investigate the psychological underpinnings of their choices, and explore implications of these for designing effective health interventions.

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