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The Hopkins-Oxford Psychedelics Ethics (HOPE) Working Group Consensus Statement

Journal article

Jacobs E. et al, (2024), American Journal of Bioethics

Psilocybin for depression.

Journal article

De Giorgi R. and Ede R., (2024), BMJ, 385

The future of preventive psychiatry is precise and transdiagnostic.

Journal article

Oliver D., (2024), Neurosci Biobehav Rev, 160

Accounting for the adolescent social context in school mental health interventions.

Journal article

Foulkes L. and Andrews JL., (2024), Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry

Digital health interventions for schizophrenia: Setting standards for mental health.

Journal article

Torous J. et al, (2024), Schizophr Res, 267, 392 - 395

Optimizing the use of electronic medical records for large scale research in psychiatry

Journal article

WINCHESTER L., (2024), Translational Psychiatry

Reward positivity affects temporal interval production in a continuous timing task.

Journal article

Yan Y. et al, (2024), Psychophysiology

Mendelian Randomization analysis of the causal effect of cigarette smoking on hospital costs

Journal article

Dixon P. et al, (2024), Nicotine and Tobacco Research

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