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We are looking for people who are currently on antidepressants

Looking for: For people who are currently on antidepressants but are still experiencing persistent low mood despite this, to take part in a study investigating how a new medication affects emotional decision making.
Expenses: Participants will be reimbursed for their time

The effect of pramipexole on brain function in healthy volunteers

Looking for: Volunteers needed for a study investigating the effects of a potential novel antidepressant drug on the way the brain processes certain kinds of information
Expenses: You will be compensated for your time.

Friends of Oxford Dementia and Ageing Research (OxDARE)

Looking for: Anyone who is interested in finding out about dementia and ageing research volunteer opportunities in the Oxford area.
Expenses: Compensation will vary by study – this will be detailed in the study specific invitations emailed out to registered Friends of OxDARE.

Anyone who is interested in finding out more about dementia and ageing research in Oxford is invited to become a Friend of OxDARE. Friends can choose to register an interest in taking part in future studies and/or receive quarterly newsletters. When new studies get underway, OxDARE researchers will invite interested Friends to take part by email. If you are contacted by one of our researchers, it is your choice whether you would like to participate in their study or not.