5th Year? Interested in Psychiatry?
Pathfinder FellowshipsSeeking the next generation of psychiatrists Deadline for applications 5.00pm, 1 Dec 2012, Interview: 17 Dec 2012 Make a difference. Improve lives |
The Royal College of Psychiatrists is pleased to announce the launch of its new initiative, Pathfinder Fellowships, which provides a unique and exciting opportunity for medical students in their penultimate year of study who are interested in pursuing a career in psychiatry. We are seeking the next generation of psychiatrists to lead the profession into the future.
The Pathfinder Fellowship award is worth up to £5000 over 3 years that will include the following fantastic benefits:
- MENTORING - you will be assigned a mentor to give you advice and support during the 3 years you are a Pathfinder Fellow
- FUNDING FOR AN ELECTIVE/RESEARCH/SSC IN PSYCHIATRY - you will be given funding (maximum £1500) as a contribution towards the cost of a research project, elective placement, or a student selected component in psychiatry in the UK or overseas
- INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS - you will be given free registration and a contribution towards accommodation and travel to attend the International Congress of the Royal College of Psychiatrists each year over the 3 years
- OTHER EVENTS - you will be invited to the Royal College of Psychiatrists for special events to meet senior College Officers and Members
- CPD ONLINE - you will be given free access to the Royal College of Psychiatrists' CPD online modules
- JOURNAL SUBSCRIPTIONS - you will be given free print copies of the Royal College of Psychiatrists' journals: The British Journal of Psychiatry; Advances in Psychiatric Treatment; and The Psychiatrist
- FACEBOOK - you will be invited to join a network of Pathfinder Fellows on Facebook
In order to be eligible to apply to become a Pathfinder Fellow, you must be a medical student in your penultimate year of study (i.e. 3rd year of a 4 year undergraduate medical degree, 4th year of a 5 year undergraduate medical degree) and be able to demonstrate your commitment and interest in psychiatry.
To apply, please submit the following to Charlotte Collins by email:
- A covering letter (maximum 500 words)
- An up-to-date CV that provides details of your academic achievements to date
- A proposal for your research project, elective placement, or student selected component in psychiatry (maximum 1 side of A4)
Any Questions? Ask Klaus Ebmeier, or any other senior member of the Department
DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS 5.00pm, 1 December 2012
INTERVIEW DATE 17 December 2012