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The Past, Present, and Future of the Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS).
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Terms of debate: Consensus definitions to guide the scientific discourse on visual distraction.
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Comparing the impact of contextual associations and statistical regularities in visual search and attention orienting.
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Multifaceted consequences of visual distraction during natural behaviour.
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Viewpoint dependence and scene context effects generalize to depth rotated three-dimensional objects.
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Using XR (Extended Reality) for Behavioral, Clinical, and Learning Sciences Requires Updates in Infrastructure and Funding
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Capacity and selection in immersive visual working memory following naturalistic object disappearance.
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Flipping the world upside down: Using eye tracking in virtual reality to study visual search in inverted scenes
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Heading Direction Tracks Internally Directed Selective Attention in Visual Working Memory.
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Auxiliary Scene-Context Information Provided by Anchor Objects Guides Attention and Locomotion in Natural Search Behavior (vol 33, pg 1463, 2022)
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Semantic object processing is modulated by prior scene context
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Auxiliary scene context information provided by anchor objects guides attention and locomotion in natural search behavior
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Remote virtual reality as a tool for increasing external validity
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Viewpoint-Dependence and Scene Context Effects Generalize to Depth Rotated 3D Objects
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Multiple spatial frames for immersive working memory
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Estimating power in (generalized) linear mixed models: An open introduction and tutorial in R
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