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Violence prevention in psychiatry: an umbrella review of interventions in general and forensic psychiatry.

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Wolf A. et al, (2017), J Forens Psychiatry Psychol, 28, 659 - 673

VR Surgery: Interactive virtual reality application for training oral and maxillofacial surgeons using oculus rift and leap motion


Pulijala Y. et al, (2017), Serious Games and Edutainment Applications: Volume II, 187 - 202

Evidence, epistemology and empirical bioethics


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Implementation of treatment guidelines for specialist mental health care.

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Bighelli I. et al, (2016), The Cochrane database of systematic reviews, 12, CD009780 - CD009780

EMDR for Treatment of Anxiety Disorder in a Patient with Intellectual Disability

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Functional complexity emerging from anatomical constraints in the brain: the significance of network modularity and rich-clubs.

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Zamora-López G. et al, (2016), Scientific reports, 6, 38424 - 38424

Adherence to antipsychotic medication among homeless adults in Vancouver, Canada: a 15-year retrospective cohort study.

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Rezansoff SN. et al, (2016), Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 51, 1623 - 1632

Anxiety disorders in children and adolescents

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Authors' reply.

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Big data for bipolar disorder.

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Brain glutamate in anorexia nervosa: A magnetic resonance spectroscopy case control study at 7 Tesla

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Community Treatment Orders-A pause for thought.

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Early intervention services in psychosis: from evidence to wide implementation.

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Embodied cognition and emotional disorders. Embodiment and abstraction in understanding depression.

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Gjelsvik B. et al, (2016), Psychopathology Review

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