Ni Xu
DPhil candidate
Exploring the effect of lithium in patients with bipolar disorder
Ni is completing his DPhil in Psychiatry under the supervision of Professor John Geddes, Professor Andrea Cipriani, Professor Kate Saunders. His doctoral research focuses on exploring the short-term effect of lithium on mood changes, circadian rhythms and cognitive functions using the dataset collected for the Oxford Lithium Trial.
He grew up in China, where he completed his medical training at Peking University in Beijing. During his undergraduate, he found ItGetsBrighter China, a online based platform to provide education about mental health disorders to the general public in order to combat stigma and promote seeking treatment. Ni is the recipient of the Rhodes Scholarship for China.
In his spare time, he enjoys Ikebana (Japanese art of flower arrangement), Chinese caligraphy and playing volleyball.
Recent publications
Journal article
Xu N. et al, (2019), CNS Drugs
Journal article
Wu Q. et al, (2017), Nat Commun, 8
Journal article
Deng X-T. et al, (2017), European Journal of Pain, 21, 278 - 288
Journal article
Xu N. et al, (2016), Journal of Neuroscience, 36, 10128 - 10140