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Professor Morten Kringelbach writes for Scientific America, post-Trump victory in the US Presidential Election, on what it means for empathy, and the "empathy deficit" that President Obama identified in today's society.

Extract from Scientific America:

'Almost exactly ten years ago, U.S. President Barack Obama proposed that the “empathy deficit” is a fundamental problem in our society. Empathy is our ability to step into the shoes of others and see the world through their eyes. Obama suggested that empathy could potentially provide a way to a better and more just world, where we can “love our neighbour as ourselves.”

'The science of empathy has been making progress, and we have learned a lot about the underlying brain mechanisms and even how the roots of empathy can be found in other animals. Yet, it has also become clear that empathy is not automatic. We can disregard it when we deliberately choose to ignore others’ emotions to avoid discomfort—the cost of empathy.'

Read the full blog: Election Aftermath: The Value of Compassion and Reason.

Read more about Professor Morten L. Kringelbach.


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