We are looking for the next generation of academic psychiatrists. Full details of the programme, potential supervisors, example projects, and how to apply, can be found here.
Fellows will receive training in a range of methods, and will conduct research leading to the award of a D.Phil. in their chosen area. Fellowships are for three years and include fees, clinical salary, and support for research costs. The programme places strong emphasis on translational research, and Fellows will have the opportunity to spend a day a week in a clinical unit specialising in translating research findings into routine care.
The deadline for applications is 8 January 2016 but you are advised to contact potential supervisors as soon as possible to discuss the scheme and develop a suitable project. Successful candidates will start in Autumn 2016. However, You can also contact Professor Paul Harrison (paul.harrison@psych.ox.ac.uk) for advice and further information.