Racial discrimination, ethnicity and work stress
Wadsworth E., Dhillon K., Shaw C., Bhui K., Stansfeld S., Smith A.
Background: Previous research has suggested higher work stress among minority ethnic workers. Aims: To determine levels of work stress in three ethnic groups, consider the contribution of racial discrimination to the groups' profiles of occupational and demographic associations with stress, and assess the association between work stress and well-being. Methods: A household quota sample design was used, and 204 black African-Caribbean, 206 Bangladeshi and 216 white (UK born) working people took part in structured interviews. Results: More black African-Caribbean respondents reported high work stress than either Bangladeshi or white respondents. Reported racial discrimination among black African-Caribbean female respondents was strongly associated with perceived work stress. Among the black African-Caribbean respondents, women who reported experiencing racial discrimination at work had higher levels of psychological distress. Conclusions: Perceived work stress may be underpinned by exposure to racial discrimination at work among black African-Caribbean women, and this may affect their psychological well-being. © 2007 Oxford University Press.