Positive clinical effects of gamma knife capsulotomy in a patient with deep brain stimulation-refractory Tourette Syndrome and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
Richieri R., Blackman G., Musil R., Spatola G., Cavanna AE., Lançon C., Régis J.
We report the first case of a patient with severe, intractable Tourette Syndrome with comorbid Obsessive Compulsive disorder, who recovered from both disorders with gamma-knife (GK) stereotactic radiosurgery following deep brain stimulation (DBS). This case highlights the possible role of the internal capsule within the neural circuitries underlying both TS and OCD, and suggests that in cases of treatment-refractory TS and comorbid OCD, bilateral anterior capsulotomy using stereotactic radiosurgery may be a viable treatment option.