Association analysis of dynamin-binding protein (DNMBP) on chromosome 10q with late onset Alzheimer's disease in a large caucasian UK sample.
Morgan AR., Hollingworth P., Abraham R., Lovestone S., Brayne C., Rubinsztein DC., Lynch A., Lawlor B., Gill M., O'Donovan MC., Owen MJ., Williams J.
A recent scan of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the region 40-107 Mb on chromosome 10q in a large Japanese case-control cohort identified six SNPs in or near the dynamin-binding protein gene (DNMBP) that were associated with late onset Alzheimer's disease (LOAD) in individuals lacking the APOE epsilon4 allele [Kuwano et al. (2006); Hum Mol Genet 15:2170-2182]. We genotyped these six SNPs in 1,212 unrelated Caucasian patients of UK origin with LOAD and 1,389 ethnically, gender and age matched control subjects. We did not observe a statistically significant association with the risk of LOAD for any of the six SNPs in the sample as a whole. When stratifying the sample by APOE one SNP (intergenic SNP rs11190302) was associated with LOAD in individuals lacking the epsilon4 allele (genotypic P = 0.027, allelic P = 0.066). However this association was in the opposite direction to that detected in the Japanese population. It remains to be determined whether DNMBP is associated with LOAD.