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Psychopharmacology in children and adolescents: unmet needs and opportunities.

Journal article

Cortese S. et al, (2023), Lancet Psychiatry

Acute neural effects of fluoxetine on emotional regulation in depressed adolescents.

Journal article

Capitão LP. et al, (2023), Psychol Med, 53, 4799 - 4810

Low risk of some common cancers in women with anorexia nervosa: Evidence from a national record-linkage study.

Journal article

Seminog O. et al, (2023), Acta Psychiatr Scand, 148, 71 - 80

Characterization of the extracellular free water signal in schizophrenia using multi-site diffusion MRI harmonization.

Journal article

Cetin-Karayumak S. et al, (2023), Mol Psychiatry, 28, 2030 - 2038

Large-scale analysis of structural brain asymmetries in schizophrenia via the ENIGMA consortium.

Journal article

Schijven D. et al, (2023), Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 120

In vivo white matter microstructure in adolescents with early-onset psychosis: a multi-site mega-analysis.

Journal article

Barth C. et al, (2023), Mol Psychiatry, 28, 1159 - 1169

Family domains: A conceptual framework with practical application for adolescent inpatient services

Journal article

Hill J. et al, (2023), Journal of Family Therapy

National record-linkage study of hospital admissions for schizophrenia in childhood and adolescence in England.

Journal article

Seminog O. et al, (2022), Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 31, 1943 - 1951

Cognitive deficits, clinical variables, and white matter microstructure in schizophrenia: a multisite harmonization study.

Journal article

Seitz-Holland J. et al, (2022), Mol Psychiatry, 27, 3719 - 3730

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