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Nuclei-specific hypothalamus networks predict a dimensional marker of stress in humans.

Journal article

Jensen DEA. et al, (2024), Nat Commun, 15

Medial and orbital frontal cortex in decision-making and flexible behavior.

Journal article

Klein-Flügge MC. et al, (2022), Neuron

Structural and resting state functional connectivity beyond the cortex

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Harrison OK. et al, (2021), NeuroImage, 240

Computational modelling of social cognition and behaviour-a reinforcement learning primer.

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Lockwood PL. and Klein-Flügge MC., (2021), Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci, 16, 761 - 771

Causal manipulation of self-other mergence in the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex.

Journal article

Wittmann MK. et al, (2021), Neuron, 109, 2353 - 2361.e11

Activation and disruption of a neural mechanism for novel choice in monkeys.

Journal article

Bongioanni A. et al, (2021), Nature, 591, 270 - 274

Model-free decision making is prioritized when learning to avoid harming others.

Journal article

Lockwood PL. et al, (2020), Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 117, 27719 - 27730

Consistent patterns of distractor effects during decision making.

Journal article

Chau BK. et al, (2020), Elife, 9

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