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Julia Lindsay

D.Phil Student

Julia is a D.Phil (PhD) candidate co-supervised by Prof. Kate Saunders and Dr Niall McGowan. Her DPhil project examines digital interventions for Borderline Personality Disorder, with a special focus on sleep interventions. She is particularly interested in the factors that improve engagement and efficacy of digital mental health interventions, and whether these factors are personality-dependent.

Prior to beginning her D.Phil, Julia completed her BSc in Cognitive Systems at the University of British Columbia, Canada. During her tenure there, she worked as a Research Assistant at the Sensory Perception & Interaction Reseach Group, where she studied the applications of haptic feedback in educational settings under the supervision of Prof Karon MacLean. This experience served as an introduction to the concept of human-centered design, a focus which she brings to her current work in digital mental health.