Key policies
What you need to know
We've waded through the Department and University's many policies to bring you the few that you really need to be familiar with. Please take a moment to read through these and see how we like to do things here.
Equality Policy
Strongly recommended for all new staff and designed to help you reflect on equality and diversity in the workplace, promote awareness and foster good practice.
University bullying and Harassment policy
The University does not tolerate any form of harassment or victimisation and expects all members of the University community, its visitors and contractors to treat each other with respect, courtesy and consideration.
University Health and Safety policy
The University has a duty to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the safety of their employees at work.
Academic Integrity in Research
The University expects all members of the University to observe the highest standards of ethics and integrity in the conduct of their research.
Conflict of interest
All University staff and students are required to recognise and disclose activities that might give rise to conflicts of interest or the perception of conflicts and to ensure that such conflicts are seen to be properly managed or avoided.
codes of practice
Some of the key University codes of practice and policies which non-research staff in particular may wish to familiarise themselves with. A great page to bookmark in case you want to refer to these in due course.