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Eric Moral Tamayo - Receptionist Eric Moral Tamayo is Departmental Receptionist at the Department of Psychiatry.

Tell us a little about yourself, and what attracted you to working at the University of Oxford?  

Being part of the best University in the world is what attracted me to work at the University of Oxford. In addition, I was already living in Oxford, which I consider to be one of the best cities in the country. I graduated from Oxford Brookes University and I wanted to expand my career by working for the University of Oxford.

What is your vision for the team you work with?

Following and sharing Belinda’s vision as Head of Department, a strong focus on the people and working culture.

What is currently at the top of your To-Do List?

As a departmental receptionist, one of my priorities is making everyone in this department feel welcome. I strongly believe that a friendly, welcoming environment helps your mental well-being and your performance at work. In addition, I am always willing to help people. Furthermore, being able to progress at work keeps me motivated.

How did you get to where you are today?

I have always followed what I thought would make me happy. This is why I decided to come to Oxford on exchange while I was studying for my undergraduate degree and to do my masters here. I really enjoyed the experience, the city, and the country, and I decided to stay and develop my career here.

Who or what inspires you?

I have always followed my own inspiration by doing what I thought was best for me, even if that implied taking a different path.

If you were not in your study programme/job currently, what would you like to be doing?

If I were not in my job currently, I would probably be travelling the world and discovering new cultures. Indeed, travelling is, to me, the most enriching activity.