Implementing the NIHR Oxford Health BRC's Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy
Papageorgiou V., Greenwood H., Taylor C., Ernest N., BHUI K., REID P.
The National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Oxford Health Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) published its first equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) strategy in 2023. This 5-year strategy aims to establish and enhance the evidence base for EDI, including data collection processes to enhance the diversity of research participants and the workforce. The NIHR has started to collect protected characteristics from applicants for research funding. Although the collection of the data is optional, it could become mandatory in the future. At the Public Mental Health Implementation Centre (PMHIC), of the Royal College of Psychiatry, we undertook a mapping and scoping project to provide Oxford Health BRC partners with insights into data collection for EDI purposes at the local level and identify any challenges and opportunities. This report also proposes solutions to overcoming possible ethical dilemmas, as well as enablers and barriers to implementing the BRC’s EDI strategy.