Institutional Epistemic Isolation in Psychiatric Healthcare
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The future of phenomenological psychopathology
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Hermeneutical injustice and unworlding in Psychopathology
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Epistemic Injustice Should Matter to Psychiatrists
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Commentary: Closing the gender gap in depression through the lived experience of young women - a response to 'Don't mind the gap: Why do we not care about the gender gap in mental health?', Patalay and Demkowicz (2023).
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Epistemic Injustice in Late-Stage Dementia: A Case for Non-Verbal Testimonial Injustice
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The epistemic harms of empathy in phenomenological psychopathology
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Epistemic injustice in psychiatric research and practice
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‘Isn’t Everyone a Little OCD?’ The Epistemic Harms of Wrongful Depathologization
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