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Institutional Epistemic Isolation in Psychiatric Healthcare

Journal article

Spencer LJ., (2024), Social Epistemology, 1 - 14

The future of phenomenological psychopathology

Journal article

Spencer L. et al, (2024), Philosophical Psychology

Hermeneutical injustice and unworlding in Psychopathology

Journal article

Spencer LJ., (2023), Philosophical Psychology, 36, 1300 - 1325

Epistemic Injustice Should Matter to Psychiatrists

Journal article

Kidd IJ. et al, (2023), Philosophy of Medicine, 4

Epistemic Injustice in Late-Stage Dementia: A Case for Non-Verbal Testimonial Injustice

Journal article

Spencer L., (2023), Social Epistemology, 37, 62 - 79

The epistemic harms of empathy in phenomenological psychopathology

Journal article

Spencer L. and Broome M., (2023), Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences

Epistemic injustice in psychiatric research and practice

Journal article

Kidd IJ. et al, (2022), Philosophical Psychology, 1 - 29

‘Isn’t Everyone a Little OCD?’ The Epistemic Harms of Wrongful Depathologization

Journal article

Spencer L. and Carel H., (2021), Philosophy of Medicine, 2