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Pharmacogenetic testing in psychiatry: Perspective on clinical utility.

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Adiukwu F. et al, (2023), Asian J Psychiatr, 86

Post-COVID-19: can digital solutions lead to a more equitable global healthcare workforce?

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Khan N. et al, (2023), BJPsych Int, 20, 18 - 23

Impact of #PsychTwitter in promoting global psychiatry: A hashtag analysis study.

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Nawaz FA. et al, (2023), Front Public Health, 11

Authors' reply.

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Khan N. and Tracy DK., (2022), BJPsych Bull, 46

Learners' Perspectives of Professionalism: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Systematic Review.

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Khan N. et al, (2022), JMIR Res Protoc, 11

Using medical education as a tool to train doctors as social innovators

Journal article

Khan N. et al, (2022), BMJ Innovations, 8, 190 - 198

Digital health: A silver bullet to make healthcare accessible for hard-to-reach populations

Journal article

Khan N. and Dave S., (2022), Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry, 38, 103 - 107

The challenges and necessity of situating 'illness narratives' in recovery and mental health treatment.

Journal article

Khan N. and Tracy DK., (2022), BJPsych Bull, 46, 77 - 82

Differential attainment in undergraduate medical education: a systematic review

Conference paper

Gupta A. et al, (2021), BJPSYCH OPEN, 7, S27 - S28

Views of young people in early intervention services for first-episode psychosis in England.

Journal article

Lester H. et al, (2011), Psychiatr Serv, 62, 882 - 887

Guided self-help in primary care mental health: meta-synthesis of qualitative studies of patient experience.

Journal article

Khan N. et al, (2007), Br J Psychiatry, 191, 206 - 211