Co-PACT Newsletters
Dear all
We hope you’ve had a good summer. As the Co-PACT study nears completion, we are writing to update you on a series of events we have planned for the autumn and hope you can join us for some of them. Apologies for any cross posting.
1.Knowledge Exchange Event for NHS Trusts local sites - Wednesday 20th September Birmingham 9am to 2pm
The purpose of this event is to bring together invited key stakeholders and decision makers from the eight NHS sites following the co-design workshops over the spring. Each local site will present their findings and action plans arising from their co-design workshops. They will explore the similarities and differences between sites and emerging common themes. The day will conclude with participants drawing up a national level action plan.
We have sent out some invites to our partners, but we are keen to engage decision makers in NHS trusts - if you have any suggestions for people who you think should attend this event, please email
2.Photovoice Exhibitions – Birmingham, Manchester and London
We are holding three photo exhibitions in the autumn in Birmingham, Manchester and London, which you are warmly invited to attend. All exhibitions are from 4pm to 7pm as follows:
Wednesday 20th September at the Centrala Gallery, Birmingham. You can sign up here on Eventbrite Birmingham
Thursday 5th October at fivefourstudios, Manchester. You can sign up here on Eventbrite Manchester
Wednesday 11th October at the Chocolate Studios, London. You can sign up here on Eventbrite London
The exhibitions will be open to the public and will display a cross section of photographs and captions from the photovoice workshops. We are inviting policy makers and others to interact with the data, engage in photovoice, and optimise dissemination of research results. The photos and captions will be a representative sample of over 500 produced from the Photovoice study from eight cities in England. We already have an online exhibition of these photos and captions which you can view on Flickr here.
We will be sharing links to these Eventbrite pages across our social media and would appreciate any help you can give in advertising these events.
3. National Dissemination Event – Wednesday 18th October in Oxford
We will be holding an end of project celebratory dissemination event on Wednesday 18 October in Oxford (at the Said Business School). The event will be in person from 9am to 4pm. You can sign up on Eventbrite using this link: Co-Pact Dissemination Event.
At this event the project team will bring together the teams from the eight local NHS sites that participated in the photovoice and co-design workshops that have taken place in their areas over the last 18 months, along with clinicians, community groups, participants in the research, lived experience experts and other stakeholders. This will be an opportunity to engage national level policy makers and to publicise and celebrate the outcomes of the project.
We will present the findings, outcomes and outputs from the study; its policy implications; and our recommendations for reform of the Mental Health Act; celebrate what we have achieved and think about next steps. We will also reflect on the experiences of those who have contributed to the research through participation in photovoice and co-design.
4. Centre for Mental Health evaluation
The Centre are conducting an evaluation of how our involvement of people with lived experience has had an impact on the research. This specifically refers to the design of the project and involvement of people with lived experience in the Advisory Board, project management group and the PPI Reference Group, rather than the roles that those who have participated in the research have subsequently taken on. If you would be happy to share your view on this, please contact Roisin on and she will put you in touch.
Finally, thank you for your continued support and engagement in the Co-PACT study. Please do get in touch with us at . You can also follow us on Twitter @co_pact or check out our website.
All the very best,
The Co-PACT Research Team
Co-PACT Study Newsletter – May 2023
Dear all
It’s been a busy time for the team since we were last in touch in February. We are now in the co-design phase of the project and rolling out co-design workshops at the eight local sites.
1.Photovoice data analysis
The photovoice data produced powerful, rich and detailed information of people’s experiences of being detained under the Mental Health Act. Broad themes emerged, mapping people’s journeys through the system from pre to post detention. These themes were interrogated by Co-Investigators and our PPI Research Group in January to check that they accurately portrayed what people had told us about their lived experience. The next stage was to share this information with a number of people who are able to make changes in local systems.
2.Co-design workshops
We have been working with the eight local sites to arrange co-design meetings at which the themes and data for that site were presented. The aim of these workshops was to co-design an approach or tool that can be used locally to make changes to practices. Local teams dovetailed co-design into existing initiatives whenever possible. We ensured that the photovoice methodology and principles in the blueprint for co-design were honoured, that participant lists were drawn from existing groups, and that lived experience was central to this process.
Workshops so far have taken place in Birmingham, London, Oxford, Bradford and Derby. Discussions are ongoing with the remaining sites. For each site we held or will hold two half day workshops. The second workshops built on the key issues and touchpoints emerging from the first workshops, so that action plans for making changes locally could be drawn up. In London the local site is working with the Trust to convene a third workshop to take forward the recommendations from the action planning.
3. Workshop attendance
The average attendance at each site was c.17 to 20 for the first workshop, and slightly lower numbers for the second ones. We wanted to ensure the full range of participants were in the room when the data from each site was presented. Working closely with local PIs, Associate PIs and CRNs, a diverse and representative group was gathered for each site. This included, for example, service users, carers, ward staff, advocates, commissioners and senior managers, psychiatrists and psychologists, police and legal representatives, social workers, and third sector organisations.
4. Workshop style
The workshops opened with a video featuring some of the Co-PACT team and participants, talking about photovoice, the study, and their experiences. The format of the discussions was loosely structured, ensuring that there was sufficient time and space for lived experience to be heard. People spoke powerfully, and often movingly, about their experiences, and about the need for change. Samples of photos, captions and transcripts were on display. A table of the themes and cross cutting themes for all sites was available, containing quotes for each theme from the photovoice workshop transcripts.
In Workshop 1 the data for the site were presented, followed by discussion about the emerging findings and the experiences of people in the room. Participants then worked together to draw up a list of key touchpoints for taking forward to the second workshop for action planning. In Workshop 2 participants reviewed the key touchpoints from the first workshop. Time was then spent focusing on action planning for achievable change in local services.
5. Publications
We are excited to let you know that we have had three journal articles published since our last newsletter:
.. and our publication which was co-produced with the Co-PACT PPI Research Group: World Social Psychiatry . A huge achievement for all involved! We’re keen to do more than journal articles – hence exhibitions . . .
6.Photovoice exhibitions
Work is ongoing with preparing and planning for three onsite exhibitions in key cities in the summer, to display a cross section of photos and captions from the photovoice workshops. The exhibitions will invite policy makers to interact with the data, engage them in photovoice, and optimise dissemination of research results. As a first phase we have uploaded the photos and captions along with demographic ‘tags’ to our new Flickr site and will circulate the link to this online exhibition when it becomes publicly available.
7. No cost-extension
The project has secured three months no cost extension to the end of November. This extension will allow time for the health economics work package to be completed, and to hold the final event of the project to publicise the results.
8. Next phase of the project – national level findings and dissemination
A national knowledge exchange event will be held in the summer bringing together the findings and outcomes from the eight local sites and to engage local policy makers in recommending changes to the Mental Health Act. A final Co-PACT event to engage national level policy makers and to publicise and celebrate the outcomes of the project is planned for October.
9. PPI Facilitator role University of Birmingham – closing date is 6th June. If you are or know anyone who might be interested in this role, please spread the word!
Finally, thank you for your continued support and engagement in the Co-PACT study. If you would like to be involved in the co-design, please do get in touch with us at . You can also follow us on Twitter @co_pact or check out our website.
All the very best,
The Co-PACT Research Team