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What is the issue?

People from racialised backgrounds experience higher levels of psychosis, multiple disadvantages, less GP care, more coercive care and dissatisfaction with care compared with White British people. Our study aims to improve the care of diverse people, living with psychosis and at least two physical long-term conditions by first learning about their experiences and then co-designing resources based on their experiences. These will be clinical and training resources to support greater integration of care and services.  Marginalised populations are under-represented in research, and so novel methods of recruitment, engagement, and conducting research are needed.  

What will participants do?

We will ask people to share their experiences using a creative approach called ‘photovoice’ – taking or bringing pictures as well as other creative arts products (painting, poetry, self made audio or video  commentary, followed by reflective discussions. 


We will also undertake biographical story-telling interviews. These methods have been useful in previous work to facilitate people to contribute to research who wouldn’t usually be able to take part and to offer a range of options so they can choose the best one for them. We will learn how multiple illnesses evolve in the context of trauma, discrimination, other disadvantage; and how these affect care experiences. 

How will participants stories be used? 

Based on their anonymous and aggregated stories, stakeholders will co-design resources for use in practice, training and policy, to reduce the health inequalities. We will evaluate the use and impact of these resources in several case study sites in England.  

project Infographic
