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The following are areas of research interest;

Epidemiology and trends in self-harm

    • Rates and trends in self-harm and socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of self-harm patients:
      • adults 
      • children and adolescents
      • older people
  • Alcohol and drug misuse and self-harm
  • Characteristics of frequent repeaters of self-harm

Clinical management of self-harm

  • Determinants of type of hospital management following self-harm, and the relationship between management and outcome
  • Validation of a novel assessment tool (OxSATS)  to estimate suicide risk following a self-harm episode

Outcome of self-harm, including repetition and mortality

  • Risk of suicide following self-harm in gender and age subgroups, and changes over time
  • Risk of death from all causes
  • Mortality following self-harm in
    • children and adolescents
    • older people
    • people who misuse alcohol and drugs
    • people in current psychiatric contact
    • different ethnic groups
  • Change in use of different methods of self-harm between episodes and relationship to outcome


  • Impact on self-harm of MHRA decision to withdraw co-proxamol
  • Comparison of size of overdoses of paracetamol in England and Ireland in relation to differing pack sizes


  • Relationship between use of specific antidepressants in self-poisoning and prescribing rates


  • Relative toxicity of individual drugs used for self-harm and suicide