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Charlotte Austin

BSc (Hons), MSc (Oxon)

Research Assistant

Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses

I am a Research Assistant in the Oxford Precision Psychiatry Lab (OxPPL) working on systematic reviews and meta-analyses into anxiety, psychosis and depression as part of the Wellcome Trust funded GALENOS project ( Specifically I have worked on reviews into a new anti-psychotic medication (Trace Amine Associated 1 (TAAR1) agonists), the role of circadian rhythms in depression and the effectiveness of dopamine agonists on anhedonia (i.e. a loss of pleasure) in depression. 

I completed my undergraduate research in psychology at Cardiff University followed by a masters in Neuroscience at Oxford University. I have worked and interned in labs such as the Crockett Lab at Yale University, the Social and Cognition Centre at the University of Cologne and the physiological neuroimaging group at Oxford. In my spare time I volunteer for Restore Mental Health giving advice to people at an inpatient psychiatric ward and also as a listener on the the Cruse Bereavement Support helpline.

Alongside my interest in mental health, I have strong interests in philosophy and moral decision-making and how people make end-of-life decisions in palliative settings.

If you have any questions about myself or my work, please feel free to contact me.