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Judit Simon

MD (Hons), BA, BSc, MSc, DPhil (Oxford), FFPH

Visiting Professor of Cognitive Health Economics

  • Visiting Professor at the Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford
  • Professor of Health Economics, Head of Department, Deputy Head of Center at the Department of Health Economics, Centre for Public Health, Medical University of Vienna
  • Research Associate at the Health Economics Research Centre, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford
  • Honorary Professor, Corvinus University Budapest

Oxford Mental Health Economics and Policy

I have been Visiting Professor of Cognitive Health Economics at the Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford since 2014 and Visiting Scholar at Merton College in 2024.

My research collaboration with the Department in the area of mental health economics spreads over 20 years and includes the CEQUEL, OXTEXT, OCTET, PreDicT, PAX-D and PETRUSHKA trials and the development of the OxCAP-MH instrument through the operationalisation of the capabilities approach for outcome measurement in mental health research. Recently, I also coordinated the H2020 PECUNIA project on improving the methods of (mental) health economic evaluations across Europe and was academic advisor to the European Brain Council's VoT2 project.

In general, my main research expertise lies in applied and methodological economic evaluation and outcomes research linked to clinical trials and through modelling primarily in the fields of mental health, public health, perinatal and palliative care, and various chronic diseases. Other long ongoing research interests include cost-effective clinical guideline/HTA development; broader system-level evaluation and international comparison of health services; and comparative health systems and health care rationing research including personalized care.

I hold a DPhil in Public Health from the University of Oxford (St Cross College); an MSc in Health Economics from the University of York; and a Doctor of Medicine (MD), a BSc in Economics and a BA in Medical Translation from the University of Szeged. I was elected for Fellow of the UK Faculty of Public Health through Distinction in 2014.


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