Rebecca Murphy
Senior Research Clinician and Hon Clinical Psychologist
- Director of CREDO
- Honorary Clinical Psychologist - Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust
- NIHR Clinical Doctoral Research Fellow
Recent publications
Journal article
Hanegraaf L. et al, (2024), International Journal of Eating Disorders
Journal article
Beard J. et al, (2023), Cogn Behav Ther, 1 - 19
Journal article
Davey E. et al, (2023), Eur Eat Disord Rev, 31, 577 - 595
Journal article
Bailey-Straebler S. et al, (2022), IJEDO, 4, 6 - 10
Scaling up training in a leading psychological treatment for eating disorders: The online training of therapists in CBT-E
Journal article
KHERA C. et al, (2021), Clinical Psychology Forum