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Rosemary Musesengwa

Rosemary Musesengwa

Rosemary Musesengwa

BSc (Hons),MPH, PhD

Postdoctoral Researcher

I am a postdoctoral researcher with the Global Initiative in Neuropsychiatric GenEthics- NeuroGenE at the Department of Psychiatry, and with the Wellcome Centre for Ethics & Humanities at the Big Data Institute. I will explore ethical challenges of research on Neurogenetics in developing countries and on ethical challenges of digital metal health for adolescents. I will also be working with the African Ethics Working Group -AEWG providing advice on ethical challenges of multi-site genetic studies in African countries. The AEWG builds capacity in both research and training within the ethics of neuropsychiatric genetics and genomics by publishing articles, ethical guidelines and delivering training.

Previously, I was Programme Manager for the African Mental Health Research Initiative (AMARI). I also worked as the Head of the Medical Research Council of Zimbabwe before joining AMARI.  My undergraduate studies were in Microbiology & Genetics, but in later years I made the shift to Research Ethics by completing a master’s degree in Public Health majoring in Research Ethics, at the University of Pretoria in 2008, later followed by a PhD in Public Health with the University of KwaZulu Natal in 2017.  My thesis focused on the Ethics of Community Engagement in Multicentre Studies.