Tyra Lagerberg
Postdoctoral Researcher
Postdoctoral researcher in pharmacoepidemiology, studying psychiatric outcomes of medication use.
Recent publications
Risk of repeat self-harm among individuals presenting to healthcare services: development and validation of a clinical risk assessment model (OxSET)
Journal article
Fazel S. et al, (2024), BMJ Mental Health, 27, e301180 - e301180
Comparative Safety of Antidepressants in Adults with CKD.
Journal article
Zhu N. et al, (2023), Clin J Am Soc Nephrol
Predicting risk of suicidal behaviour after initiation of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in children, adolescents and young adults: protocol for development and validation of clinical prediction models.
Journal article
Lagerberg T. et al, (2023), BMJ Open, 13
Effect of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor treatment following diagnosis of depression on suicidal behaviour risk: a target trial emulation.
Journal article
Lagerberg T. et al, (2023), Neuropsychopharmacology
A nationwide study of initiation of antidepressant pharmacotherapy and the risk of seizures.
Journal article
Wiggs KK. et al, (2023), Epilepsy Res, 192