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AIMS AND METHOD: To investigate whether a psychiatry-specific virtual on-call training programme improved confidence of junior trainees in key areas of psychiatry practice. The programme comprised one 90 min lecture and a 2 h simulated on-call shift where participants were bleeped to complete a series of common on-call tasks, delivered via Microsoft Teams. RESULTS: Thirty-eight trainees attended the lecture, with a significant improvement in confidence in performing seclusion reviews (P = 0.001), prescribing psychiatric medications for acute presentations (P < 0.001), working in section 136 suites (places of safety) (P = 0.001) and feeling prepared for psychiatric on-call shifts (P = 0.002). Respondents reported that a virtual on-call practical session would be useful for their training (median score of 7, interquartile range 5-7.75). Eighteen participants completed the virtual on-call session, with significant improvement in 9 out of the 10 tested domains (P < 0.001). CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: The programme can be conducted virtually, with low resource requirements. We believe it can improve trainee well-being, patient safety, the delivery of training and induction of rotating junior doctors during the COVID-19 pandemic and it supports the development and delivery of practical training in psychiatry.

Original publication




Journal article


BJPsych Bull

Publication Date





287 - 295


Cost-effectiveness, education and training, information technologies, simulation, virtual training