A review of the current nomenclature for psychotropic agents and an introduction to the Neuroscience-based Nomenclature.
Zohar J., Stahl S., Moller H-J., Blier P., Kupfer D., Yamawaki S., Uchida H., Spedding M., Goodwin GM., Nutt D.
Neuroscience based Nomenclature (NbN) is a new system of classifying psychotropic drugs by their pharmacological profile. The NbN was developed to replace the current indication-based nomenclature and to provide an up-to-date and more useful framework to better inform pharmacological decisions. NbN provides updated relevant and specific scientific, regulatory and clinical information, aiming to support rational and lucid prescribing. This pharmacologically driven nomenclature, which highlights pharmacological domains and modes of action, may also increase drug adherence as it clarifies the rationale for selecting a specific psychotropic agent.